ASCE+ Exosomes

ASCE+ Exosomes

Posted by Dr. Porfirio Tica on 31st Oct 2023

ASCE+ Exosomes: The Secret to Radiant, Healthy Skin, According to Dr. Porfirio Tica

ASCE+ Exosomes is a revolutionary new skincare treatment that harnesses the power of exosomes to deliver unparalleled results. Exosomes are tiny vesicles that are released by cells and contain a variety of beneficial molecules, including proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

When exosomes are applied to the skin, they can penetrate deep into the dermis and deliver their cargo of beneficial molecules. This can help to improve skin texture, tone, and elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and fade hyperpigmentation.

Dr. Porfirio Tica, is a big fan of ASCE+ Exosomes. He says that this innovative treatment is "a great way to achieve radiant, healthy skin without the use of harsh chemicals or invasive procedures."

"ASCE+ Exosomes are derived from human adipose stem cells," Dr. Tica explains. "These stem cells are known for their ability to produce a wide range of beneficial molecules, including growth factors, cytokines, and hyaluronic acid."

Dr. Tica says that ASCE+ Exosomes can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns, including:

  • Dryness and dullness
  • Rough texture
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne and rosacea
  • Eczema and psoriasis

What to Expect

You may start to see results from ASCE+ Exosomes after just a few days of use. However, most patients see the best results after 30-60 days of use.

ASCE+ Exosomes can help to improve skin texture, tone, and elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and fade hyperpigmentation. They can also help to reduce inflammation and redness, and promote wound healing.

Quote from Dr. Tica

"ASCE+ Exosomes are a revolutionary new skincare treatment that can help you to achieve radiant, healthy skin without the use of harsh chemicals or invasive procedures. I highly recommend ASCE+ Exosomes to patients of all ages and skin types."

  • their efficacy and safety.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of your skin, ASCE+ Exosomes are a great option to consider. Contact Optimum Skin today to schedule a consultation to learn more.